Promoting Investment and Trade between the United States, Jamaicas and the Region
The American Chambers of Commerce (AMCHAMs), outside the territorial United States, are non-profit, independent associations formed by U.S. business people and nationals who do business with the United States.

AMCHAM is affiliated to the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America (COCUSA) in Washington DC, the largest federated business organization in the world, with offices in 65 countries. AMCHAMs work closely with the government of the host country, to facilitate investment and trade.
AMCHAM JAMAICA - The Jamaica Pegasus, 81 Knutsford Blvd - Kingston 5 Tel. (876) 929-7866 Fax. (876) 929-8597
AmCham Jamaica Logo and Branding Notice: The names "AmCham Jamaica" and "American Chamber of Commerce of Jamaica"  and the AmCham Jamaica logos (brand mark including symbol, AmCham logotype, Jamaica adjective and associated colors) are the exclusive property of AmCham Jamaica and may not be used for any purpose by any entity or individual without the express written permission of AmCham Jamaica. For further information contact:
To promote investment and trade between the United States, Jamaica and the region.
The American Chamber of Commerce of Jamaica was established in May, 1986, in Kingston, under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America (COCUSA) and the Association of American Chambers of Commerce of Latin America and the Caribbean (AACCLA).
  • To promote trade opportunities between Jamaica, the United States, the region and the world
  • To promote Jamaican exports
  • To provide Jamaican and American business people with a forum to advocate public policies that will enhance the business climate between the two countries
  • To maintain a climate of cordiality between the public and private sectors of both countries, and to promote greater understanding between their people.
The Finance Committee's goal is to ensure the financial viability of the organization by:
  • Monitoring its day-to-day financial commitments reviewing revenue-generation ideas
  • Suggesting and discussing expenditure reductions to ensure an efficient management philosophy

The Membership Committee's goal is to increase and service the membership.

The Events and Communications Committee is to plan and co-ordinate events during the year.

The Trade and Investment Committee's goal is to establish an on-going dialogue with members of the US and Jamaican governments in order to enhance trade and investment in Jamaica, by conducting a minimum of four (4) meetings a year with high-ranking officials.